Common Touch
We would have opened it by now, scanned the contents and filed it away under a fait accompli, but the subject header of the email Production Complete is enough of an indication that no further action is required. We wait. Soon after comes the confirmation of shipment. It is not Christmas, but it might as well be! The notification that a new design has shipped from Italy is always met with great excitement here. All the deliberation and decision making over the last few months comes into sharp focus. Instantly, on arrival we delve into the carefully packed boxes and the hard work makes sense.
Admittedly, it is our eye that is first drawn by the soft contrasting lines and subtle curves of this new design. But, most significantly, we touch. We run our fingers across the smooth texture of the Italian leather, the gentle undulations in the surfaces, the precision stitching and silky, painted edges. We immerse ourselves, for a moment, in a hedonistic tactile pleasure. We reflect on all of the choices we made throughout the journey of the idea to ensure the design appeals visually, but perhaps more importantly, that it feels gentle and delights the human touch.

With our sense of touch so commonplace in our daily lives, it is easy to take it for granted. That is, of course, until we are asked, quite literally, not to touch. Suddenly our attachment to screens and the surfeit of virtual workshops and live streams — which try their digital-best to make up for first hand experiences, have us longing for the tactile world. We yearn for real texture and materiality, for shape and proportion and see with fresh eyes (no pun intended) how much we have missed the common experience of touching.

Over the last few months our artisans, who are incredibly respectful of the materials and tools they use, have worked quietly and intentionally to bring this new design to life. We hope that you will enjoy the Clutch con Cinta for its simple beauty and for the freedom of movement it will allow you.
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