Our innovative RUSKIN tweed range was born out of curiosity for what might be possible with a rare, naturally occurring fibre. The charm lies in the soft, yet extremely durable texture of Herdwick wool which, once skillfully milled and woven has a distinct natural feel. The strength of the yarn and depth of weave in the interlocked fibres is the result of experienced traditional millers and weavers in Yorkshire drawing on their collective expertise to get the very best out of this natural resource. In so doing, creating an entirely fresh creative proposition and sustainable solution.

The Elvet in Bracken Leather & Tweed
£565 GBP

The Elvet in Black Leather & Tweed
£565 GBP

The Kepler in Mud Leather & Tweed
£760 GBP

The Hopper in Black Leather
£760 GBP

The Aster in Mud Leather & Tweed
£730 GBP

The Hopper in Birch Leather & Tweed
£760 GBP

The Hopper in Mud Leather & Tweed
£760 GBP